Exclusions settings
Here you will be able to specify page URLs that should be excluded from processing by both caching as content processing engines.
URI paths
Only matching page URLs will be excluded.
Page URLs beginning these strings in their paths will be matched.
You can add parts with or without a / at the beginning.
Regular expressions are also supported.
Current path is always compared without beginning slash. E.g. if you want to match all pages except site’s root then you need to add @^[^/].*@ expression.
Any regular expression quote symbols except / can be used.
These strings are always related to site’s root address. E.g. if site URL is https://yoursite.com/one and you want to match https://yoursite.com/one/subdir, then you need to add only subdir to the list.
URI arguments
Exclude all
If active, all page URLs having any arguments will be excluded.
Exclude list
Page URLs having arguments that begin with any of the specified strings will be excluded.
Cache skip all
If checked, all page URLs having any arguments will be treated as without arguments and cached as the same items. E.g. https://yoursite.com/page1?a1=1&a2=2 will be processed as https://yoursite.com/page1.
Cache skip list
Page URLs having arguments that begin with any of the specified strings will be treated as without these arguments and cached as the same items. E.g. if ‘a1’ is specified then https://yoursite.com/page1?a1=1&a2=2 will be processed as https://yoursite.com/page1?a2=2. It increases pages’ response speed when they are, for instance, opened from external sources appended by tracking arguments like Facebook’s fbclid.
Page requests having these strings in their user-agents will be excluded.
Page requests having cookie names that begin with any of the specified strings will be excluded.
Content’s patterns
Here you will be able to specify parts of the pages via their XPaths.
If any of the elements is matched with specified patterns on the page it will be excluded from the caching.
Since XPath language is an analogue of CSS, it allows you to make settings both for individual pages and for their set, using the principle of CSS selectors.
Example – this expression finds only an empty element (without children) with class some-class:
.//*[contains(concat(” “,normalize-space(@class),” “),” some-class “)][count(./*)=0]
These exclusions are checked while optimization process instead of other exclusions that checked immediately while accessing pages.
So, all excluded pages can be seen in optimization queue.